Saturday, September 17, 2005

A wee bit mad

We have been licking our wounds from the last gig and have now finaly come back to full strenght. We can honestly say that this was the worst thing we´ve been on togheter ever. I don´t know where to begin...

Sorry.. got a phonecall there...

so, where were we? yes! We have survived probably the worst ever party. The Flyers and the promoters promised lots and all sounded just lovely. But as we arrived the warnings started to flash. But due to a promise to both Carl and Micro I´m not at liberty to discuss anythin from this point in history until we ended up back in Micro´s apartment in Stockholm. All I can say is that we gave a hell of a performance for teh few and the brave that concured common sense and actually came to see us.
Big ups to everyone that came! We did this for you ya´know!

And now to the bad news. We didn´t get the whole set in tape. So we will try to recreate it from what we have on the harddrives. And we have a couple of new tracks or you too but as I told you earlyer. We´re out of webspace. Anyone have some space to lend?
I´ll try to set ut some pictures from this disastrus gig as soon as my camera dries (don´t ask).

I think that´s it for now. I´ll uppdate the site as much as I can again now when we´re finaly back from that dark place in our heads.

Once again, love and kisses to all that showed and heard us play!



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